Originally published at: Super-Fun-Pak Comix, feat. Uncle Cap'n's Nifty NFT, and more! | Boing Boing
I was interested to learn that Uncle Cap’n’s NFT is likely to have a significant carbon footprint.
NFTs feel the same to me as a person buying a two thousand dollar bottle of wine and just pouring it out on the floor.
Or like buying a coupon for a cheap bottle of Trader Joe’s wine that everyone else is drinking and you’re like “but THAT one is mine!”
It’s like bidding for one of those scammy eBay postings where they say in the small print at the bottom, “Just to clarify, you are bidding for a photograph of a PlayStation 5.” Except with NFTs it says that in big letters at the beginning.
I’m selling an NFT of me laughing at that comic.
Berkeley Breathed did one Infinite Bill
It just depresses me…
Nobody ever asked the shark in Jaws what its name was, so it could’ve been named “Jaws.”
Somehow the Frankenstein/Frankenstein’s Monster jokes never get old
While there were three mechanical sharks, the film crew referred to it as “Bruce”.
So it did have a name!
It. . . it. . .it wasn’t a real shark?
Thanks for ruining that movie for me.
When Hooper is in the cage, and there’s a shark attack, and you see an outside view of the shark attacking the cage – that’s real shark footage. So the mechanical sharks were just body doubles for that real shark.
ETA: Sure glad I didn’t mention there were three robot kids, standing in for Michael…
To be fair, Jaws 3 in 3-D ruined the entire Jaws franchise for me.
“You’re not going to like this…”
Can anyone decipher this?
ttdbnft001 = Tom the Dancing Bug Non-Fungible Token 001
But it got Michael Caine a very nice house.
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