Surgeon fined $3,000 for amputating wrong leg

Also likely the patient was unable to communicate and had no family present (hence why the error was discovered two days later). Both of which increase the risk for wrong site surgery.
In the states as I remember the surgeon checks the chart, checks the consent, checks with the patient/ patient’s family (if applicable) and puts their initials on the correct site/ side. The consent and initials are checked again in the OR. When prepping for a nerve block (where the patient, chart, consent, and surgeon’s initials are checked before giving sedation) it is considered bad form to scrub off the surgeon’s initials.

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$3000 is less than two months’ wages for me and I make close to minimum wage where I live. How many hours is it going to take a surgeon to pay that? A literal slap on the wrist might be more impactful.

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Oh, the right leg?
“No, The right one should be left, the left one is right.”

Huh, I wonder if she meant left as I’m facing her, or left from her perspective.


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