Ta-Nehisi Coates will vote for Bernie Sanders, reparations or no reparations


Does that mean that the conservatives have stopped labelling me as a liberal? Or do my political beliefs just break their brains?

I will admit to the destroying capitalism bit though.

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If by destruction you mean apotheosis, then well done!

Says you.


Given was a very poor choice of word on my part. My point is that I know of no parallel to those sovereignty rights, however they came about, where African Americans are concerned.

Okay, how about read Coates argument and see what heā€™s saying. Itā€™s not just about slavery. Why not see what heā€™s saying, which is not just about slavery, but about the totality of the African American experience in America.


Is this your considered rebuttal to Coates three pieces on this laying out his case?


Or because comments on the Internet are completely broken (as the popular phrase ā€œDonā€™t read the comments!ā€ attests).


Well, you know white people donā€™t even have to read the arguments before making a rebuttal to a truth-claim, didnā€™t you know? ESPECIALLY on issues of raceā€¦ /s


I didnā€™t say I was any good at it.

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ā€œSeemsā€ being a word that is most abused of late. Feel free to skip over your thought of reparations being stupid and straight into the substantive portion thatā€™s of any fucken use.


Wouldnā€™t it be great to have a system whereby we can ā€œcutā€ a section of a book, essay, article, or video, and then ā€œpasteā€ it into another place where its merits can be discussed in particular?

What am I saying? That canā€™t be done. So letā€™s just stick to empty rhetoric.

I hear thereā€™s an ā€œinternetā€ in development that could help with this, but that sounds dumb and should be scrapped immediately


I know an easy way to pay for reparations!

But how do we convince America that settling itā€™s massive debt to African Americans is some kind of invasion of destabilization of an impoverished countryā€¦

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