Tax havens hold $7.6 trillion; 8% of world's total wealth

Wars, for example? Or building sports stadiums?

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The theory there is nice, but the implementation is a bitch.

Implementation is a bitch, but worth it.

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I wonder if the average teabagger will ever recognize industrial scale tax evasion as the deeply unpatriotic act that it is…


“Patriotism is the tax refuge of a scoundrel.”

I might have gotten that quote wrong.


The biggest problem with this conversation is that usually when someone says, “Most government spending is wasteful” it’s a safe bet that they want to stop all government spending except on wars and sport stadiums (and subsidizing large, already-profitable businesses). Governments spend tons of money on extremely efficient and effective things and ought to be spending more money on such things. Governments also spend money on very foolish things. It seems to me, though, that often when governments are wasting money it is at the request of very rich people who advocate for themselves with some kind of air of superiority that public servants buy into. When the public sector and the private sector get together, the private sector assumes the public sector is a bottomless well of money and the public sector seems happy to prove them right.


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