Tearful Obama calls for 'sense of urgency' to fight gun violence in America

[quote=“William_Holz, post:343, topic:71595, full:true”]Another approach: one could NOT deliberately limit our options and acknowledge the possibility that maybe also having lots of lying around might be somehow related to a solveable problem?
Have you forgotten this so quickly? The R-squared is strong here and you can’t just ignore it

That’s one of the favorite misleading charts used by people who start from the assumption that the problem is “gun deaths”, and who want to conflate suicides with murders and make it seem like states with high rates of legal gun ownership have high rates of gun violence.

But look what happens when you chart “gun murders” against “gun ownership”:

Strange, the correlation disappears when suicide is removed? That doesn’t stop Vox, Mother Jones et al from deliberately conflating “gun violence” with self-harm in order to give the perception that people in states with high rates of legal firearms ownership are more likely to unlawfully shoot others.

As always, the “more gun restrictions now!” argument is never about actual rates of violent crime, rather it’s all about perception.

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