Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/05/11/teeth-nails.html
Seems like nail art may have jumped the shark here.
extremely cursed image
The first thing that popped into my head was Chris Kattan’s character Azarel Abyss from Goth Talk saying, “Eeeeeeeeeeee…”
I’ll have to chew on this one a while
Considering BB is constantly running ads for tooth implants, how is this much different?
Ruminate over it with a burger you can really sink your fingers into
One must admit that drumming your fingertips on the table would look pretty rad…
Nope. Nuh-uh. Not in this lifetime, buddy.
Oh hell nay.
Yes. All the yes. A thousand times yes!
Masturbation has a whole new level of Freud with these!
Thank you. I thought it was just me, and that the ad-bot AI’s knew something was about to happen to me to require such, even though I had never searched for such a thing or mentioned it within earshot of listening devices.
I’m refraining from posting a gross image of what this reminds me of.
You’re welcome.