Ten hard truths about the Flint water atrocity

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What’s that now?


I will be honestly curious to see how the citizens of Michigan will weigh this in the next election. Years ago, I’d have been certain this would terminate his political career, but at this point, I’m not certain.

If the people make it clear that they don’t care, I suspect the politicians won’t either.

Here’s hoping it sinks the governor.

(As a Canadian, we’ve had our equivalent for years. The water quality on native reserves has been insanely bad for decades. The voters haven’t made it an issue, and the government does get many of its priorities from the people, so it goes on…)


Time to appoint Michael Moore as the Emergency Manager for the state of Michigan.


Holy fucking shit. That’s the saddest thing I have read in some time. The Governor of Michigan should be relieved of office post haste, and fed the poisoned water daily.


Where is Mitt Romney when you need him?


[quote=“Papasan, post:5, topic:73038, full:true”]
Holy fucking shit. That’s the saddest thing I have read in some time. The Governor of Michigan should be relieved of office post haste, and fed the poisoned water daily.
[/quote]Speaking of which, the inmates at the county jail are still forced to drink the poisoned water.


The emergency manager who did this was Darnell Earley.

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[quote=“strangefriendbb, post:8, topic:73038”]
The emergency manager who did this was Darnell Earley.
[/quote]What’s that? The sheriff is near?


That’s not the same thing.

I grew up in northern Manitoba. I’ve lived in small towns. I was responsible for my own well water. I was responsible to have it tested. And if the testing showed a problem, I alone was responsible for the cost of solving it. When a small town decides to build a community water supply, it’s the residents of that small town who are responsible for the taxes to pay for it.

Living on a reserve should not change that responsibility. I doubt there’s a single treaty that entitles a reserve to a government-supplied water supply. Nor hydro lines, nor telephone service, nor airports, nor college education. They get a lot of that anyway, far beyond what a non-reserve small town gets.

Look, there are plenty of cases - right into the 1960s - where the aboriginal population was robbed of land and no-one did a thing. Heck, in the 2011 flooding, Manitoba sent a huge volume of water into the Lake Manitoba basin, flooding out an entire reserve. (A lot of non-aboriginal home owners were flooded out too - but unlike the reserve, they’re not being compensated and relocated to brand new homes.)

But the water situation isn’t an injustice. It’s part of remote, small-town life for everyone else, and they have the same solutions available as everyone else.


Tragic - although I don’t know why the houses would be worthless - they should just suspend all law and regulations (even federal) for the city - pay anyone that wants to leave - and call it ‘libertarian paradise’ - then the wakadoos that scream about free market can have a nice little town to go play their games in.

Whats that… none of those morons would actually want to live in a place like that? That’s ok - let it sit fallow and be an example whenever they try to speak again in the future.


[quote=“strangefriendbb, post:8, topic:73038”]
The emergency manager who did this was Darnell Earley.
[/quote]Nice suit you’ve got yourself, Mr. Earley.

There was at least one other address in Flint that got clean water.

Mr. Moore has proven on several occasions that he’s really not the best go-to guy for fact-finding.


[quote=Article]5. While They Were Being Poisoned, They Were Also Being Bombed. Here’s a story which has received little or no coverage outside of Flint. During these two years of water contamination, residents in Flint have had to contend with a decision made by the Pentagon to use Flint for target practice. Literally. Actual unannounced military exercises—complete with live ammo and explosives – were conducted last year inside the city of Flint. The army decided to practice urban warfare on Flint, making use of the thousands of abandoned homes which they could drop bombs on. Streets with dilapidated homes had rocket-propelled grenades fired upon them. For weeks, an undisclosed number of army troops pretended Flint was Baghdad or Damascus and basically had at it. It sounded as if the city was under attack from an invading army or from terrorists. People were shocked this could be going on in their neighborhoods. Wait—did I say “people?” I meant, Flint people. As with the governor, it was OK to abuse a community that held no political power or money to fight back. BOOM![/quote]I will like Michael Moore more once he can tell a story without grossly exaggerating every possible aspect in order to push his opinion. He’s good at it, but there’s a point when he should give a shit about the events and not just write horseshit like what I quoted. The US doing some live fire exercises to train urban warfare in completely abandoned neighborhoods in Flint is a good thing - it means we didn’t pay a contractor to build a city for the US to play in instead. The reports saying they were not warned seem to be in contrast to others I’ve heard saying letters were sent out.

I mean his #1 isn’t even accurate because the college I went to has clean water as well along with the area around it. I just get tired of this shit over and over again. I might as well be reading Dinesh D’Souza.


You can’t be serious. The army can use Flint as target practice, Flint has abandoned neighborhoods, Flint’s children are being poisoned precisely because the governor doesn’t really believe its inhabitants are people.


Are you implying Michael Moore doesn’t relish in the constant use of extreme hyperbole?

Sorry, he’s a terrible news source. Period.


Are you done attacking the messenger yet? Please be done attacking the messenger.

Your line of attack is old already, and it’s far, FAR less important than the message he’s delivering.


The Flint Water Crisis was precipitated by Gov. Snyder’s calls to “re-invent state government”. The Flint water department was forced by Snyder’s EM to move prematurely away from the Detroit water system because their contract with Detroit water was up for renewal- before the new regional pipeline got built. The move away from Detroit water was not to save money for Flint, it was to keep money from Detroit to further continue to bankrupt the city. The goals for all of the Snyder administrations moves are outlined in a document distributed by the “Michigan’s Collaborative Stakeholder Initiative” which was set up in 2012 to examine the MDEQ’s guidelines for acting on cleanups. From the document, which has been removed from the internet by the State of Michigan, but saved by the Internet Archive (emphasis added by me):

"CSI is the culmination, at a critical time, of the previous collaborative evaluations related to State of
Michigan Environmental Programs and programs conducted pursuant to Part 201 and Part 213 of
the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection act, 1994 PA 451 as amended (NREPA).) It
was undertaken in a few short months to improve the state’s delivery of environmental stewardship
and reinvent its remediation and brownfield redevelopment programs in support of Governor Rick
Snyder’s goals to:
● Reinvent our government
● Create more and better jobs
● Restore our cities
● Enhance our national and international image
● Protect our environment
● Solve problems through relentless positive action
Governor Snyder has sought improvement to Michigan’s governance including the cleanup and
redevelopment program. There is renewed urgency to move this program forward in a swift
manner; build on previous initiatives - moving them from discussion to implementation; address the
complexity in the decision making through a collaborative process; and remain committed to
collective and wise stewardship for Michigan. "

See—protecting the environment is 5th on the list of MDEQ responsibilities!.. so when they were sent to provide oversight of the transition of Flint’s water, what did they care about the quality of the water? The switch was to create jobs, economic development, and further erode Detroit’s ability to operate in the black - which would have made a big difference to the then-on-going bankruptcy proceedings. The MDEQ failed to oversee the Flint Water Departments’s treatment of the drinking water - for years the Flint DPW only had experience with treating waste water for release, and for flushing the Detroit-sourced drinking water to waste twice a year to check pumps and processes. When they were charged with creating their own drinking water they knew enough to test and treat for the horrible toxins in the Flint River source, but they had no experience with buffering the final results - hence the corrosive nature of the “new” water. MDEQ failed to monitor the situation, and when they did, they didn’t care - they aren’t charged with caring anymore under Snyder. The EPA told them to fix it, and they told the EPA, essentially “we have it under control”. The emails exist showing this.

Michael Moore has every right to be bent about the way Flint was treated by the state, but his suggestion that the Federal government should take over Flint is ridiculous. Isn’t this the same person who went around asking people “what is your favorite Federal government program” in an attempt to promote small government? Opinions change according to needs, I guess.


So… Just what is an anti-corrosion agent, and what makes it safe to add to drinking water?

I’m not particularly questioning the severity of the atrocity; I’m just kind of curious about the science involved, and haven’t managed to find any information about this in particular.

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Super hard to find videos of this too. But i found one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5UsW2W0waA

Pretty much sound only but i can’t really blame her for not getting out of the car.