Brings this to mind:
And that at least seemed nominally plausible, if not operationally workable. But putting a bomb on a cow? Have they worked through the “definitely works” and “could work” sections of their terrorism brainstorming checklist, and are now on the “hey, maybe we’ll be surprised” section?
Shades of Diablo II
And did more damage in friendly fire than against the enemy:
armed bats were accidentally released. The bats roosted under a fuel tank and incinerated the test range.
This seems to be a theme of animal weapons, as with Soviet anti-tank dogs:
As the dogs relied on their acute sense of smell, the dogs sought out familiar Soviet tanks instead of strange-smelling German tanks. This effectively meant that the Soviets had trained the dogs to sabotage their own army.
If you see this cow… run away.
Darn. Ninja’ed…or Necro’ed, as the case may be. Still, I’ll have a go:
“Pfffft. Amateurs.”
This is a misinterpretation of ISILs grand plan to terrorform the environment. At once the village is provided with a small dam while at the same time blood and bone is evenly distributed around it. Win Win. The dam is now located where the barn used to be.
Come to think about it, maybe some bright spark at ISIL central heard about the fact that cows kill more people every year than sharks do, and went from there.
You’d think that there would be other more effective ways of delivering explosives, like homemade rockets or even a bloody catapult with splodey ammo.
You have to wonder if they thought “hey, cattle like people right, and always immediately head for the biggest crowd they can find right?”… “Or was that cats?” “I have absolutely no familiarity with either of these animals.”.
The problem with using cats is you want your bombs near people and most cats tolerate people at best.
Since the cows presumably aren’t consenting, shouldn’t they be called bovicide vests instead?
You want to do what???
That and all the scratching while trying to put the vest on the cat.
that was the joke
And then there’s the evolved version in Marooned in Realtime.