Tesla on autopilot almost crashes into passing train

I hear they have so much unsold stock at Tesla… I wonder if they are commanding them to drive into accidents so hopefully the owner gets another one via insurance (this sounds like some sci-fi writing prompt).


this is why we so desperately need the hyperloop. if we can put all the cars underground, it’ll be much safer because there aren’t any trains down there for them to run into



Even if they are traumatized, they normally have to finish their route.

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Not in Britain. The driver would go on compulsory leave and the train would be “dragged” (towed) to a depot for damage inspection.

In India, on the other hand, trains run over people crossing the tracks so frequently that the railways can’t afford to let drivers take time off.


To be fair I doubt many countries need it because they also have that capability.

I occasionally look at the Reddit Irelands shite drivers and while this may make my perspective skewed I also walk/cycle/bus to work every morning and see the absolute dogshittest driving. Every single day.

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I’m comparing British dashcam videos with American. The British ones tend to feature close brushes and swearing, while the US ones are like scenes out of stunt movies; multi-vehicle pile-ups which send cards spinning all over the road.

I’ll have to look into the Irish genre.

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I usually go with

Flaming Self-Destruct

myself… :thinking:


NGL USA does have the body count from road homicides to put it at or near the top of the wealthy world.

Just think we’re all back heading that way. The fash delight in road killings.


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