Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/11/15/watch-how-a-tesla-in-autopilot.html
Yeah, recognizing that those are not squirrels which would shoot across as the car approaches is impressive. /s?
Would be fascinating to know what it would have done if there was a car just slightly up the road on the other side. Or for that matter, a pushbike.
It would absolutely be great to know this without a live test having to occur.
Very nice but as someone with a Tesla i can assure you that was lucky as I’ve had to take over many times for stuff on rosd.
It turned fairly late. I think a human would have seen the problem earlier and reacted before the Tesla decided it had to do something.
That’s good, considering that’s literally the job of the driver to do. The car tries to react in situations where drives can’t, or won’t, act. Good on you for not being one of those!
Too many folks believe emergency avoidance systems mean they are absolved of responsibility, despite the plethora of warnings that this is not so. Emergency braking has saved my butt more than once when a sudden traffic shift was detected by the system before I did, but that doesn’t mean I expect it to and behave accordingly.
The late reaction precluded a stop. But the bigger question is did it “see” something earlier and start to slow down, or was that a last minute “oh fk!” response?
Is no one going to point out that this drunken robot is driving on the wrong side of the road?
-Ethnocentric Man
Assuming this is in the US, this is on part of a divided highway. (white lines are used to divide lanes moving in the same direction, yellow ones for lanes moving in opposite directions
This seems like some impressive trolley problem decision-making.
It actually seems like the routine that should have run (slow_down_stop_let_little_cuties_pass) failed and the decision to swerve was made as a “plan B”.
But suppose in the other lane there is an extremely fat duck that both has the cure for cancer and will someday go on to annex Poland?
Run it over.
Ducks can’t write, so it stole the cancer cure notes from somewhere.
Criminal duck dies, Poland is safe, cancer is cured and you have dinner.
Or if the road were wet, icy, or covered in gravel, such that swerving suddenly would risk losing control…
It can see ducks but not a fire truck?
Note to self: Wear duck costume when walking outside (but not while in the woods).
That then begs the question, why the hell is the Tesla cruising in the passing lane? People (or apparently, self-driving cars now) who do that drive me batty.
You’re safe from duck hunters if you’re in the woods. It’s when you’re on the water (river, lake, estuary, swamp) where it is perilous to look like a duck.
Agreed. If it had been observing proper lane discipline, it would never have had to make an emergency maneuver.