Texas Supreme Court rules in favor of Gov. Abbott's order limiting mail-in ballot drop box locations to one site for each county

I live in Texas and am amazed that our Governor and our Attorney General, whose salaries are paid for by our tax dollars and who supposedly represent us, are spending our tax dollars arguing in our own courts, also paid for by our tax dollars, in order to make it harder for us to vote. It’s fucking madness.


Yeah, what a lot of people are forgetting is that it probably wouldn’t even matter if a majority in Texas voted blue. The Secretary of State would release his report saying Republicans got ten times as many votes, the governor would say yep, that’s for sure true. The state supreme court would say actually it’s illegal for Democrats to win, and the SCOTUS would say there’s definitely nothing in the Constitution saying Democrats are allowed to win so lololol fuck you, and that’d be pretty much the end of it.

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That’s a helluva take. I wouldn’t put it past Abbott and the rest of them to perpetrate shady stuff just like you described. But they probably won’t have to. Texas is probably not going to go significantly blue this time around, as much as we want it to. Pockets of blue in the House races. But overall, it will stay red.


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Yes, ultimately, I think you’re right. The state won’t go blue for at least a couple decades, but even if the Democrats had a shot this year, well, Republicans have made it crystal clear they’ll cheat as blatantly as they can to hold onto power.

This is the same gang of evil bastards that wouldn’t allow an expansion of absentee voting, among other attempts to mitigate the obvious health hazards involved with in-person voting. Between Ayatollah Abbott, Taliban Dan (Patrick), and the crooked fuckwit of an Attorney General, there are reasons I refer to this place as the Theocratic Kleptocracy of Texas. Or is it Kakistatic Theocracy?
So many apt perjoratives to choose from. I suppose you can mix & match…

Anyway, I did my part to vote 'em all out, encouraging others to do the same, etc.
Now the waiting begins. It will be interesting to see what kind of fuckery they (both State & National) come up with.
I expect the Liquor Stores to do a booming business next week.

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I bought liquor and meat. I will BBQ the pain away.


Don’t frame it in party politics. Frame it as “Hey, those government jerks want to keep you from voting once they are in power. They want to tell you where and how you can vote, are you going to stand for a government official telling you what and how to do something?”

Speak the language they will understand and some of them will remember they donn’t trust the government because politicians are inherently untrustworthy once they get power and most will do anything to keep it.

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