That rebellious Wagner boss's airplane has fallen out a window

You should watch the Michael Jackson video next


Given that Prigozhin hadn’t been seen in public since sometime in July (and even that’s somewhat sketchy), who’s to say he hasn’t been dead for a while and the whole plane crash was just a huge spectacle and cover up?

I’m not particularly conspiracy minded or anything, but this seems pretty plausible to me given how it was clear he was a dead man walking, and Putin’s flair for drama and symbolism. (Such as the plane going down exactly two months after the failed coup.)


I saw he had others and watched them both! He’s an astonishing crafter and storyteller and the videos are all top notch.


“But how could the guy who needed henchman for some monstrous work turn out to be a monster?”

People making that discovery would be pure comedy every time it happens; except that it always happens after they’ve done the work in question.

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He’s been dead since July and is also still alive

just like bin Laden


It turns out that the demolition is preparation for building a formal military cemetery.


BBC News - Prigozhin confirmed dead after genetic tests - Moscow


Well, that’s good enough for me.


Did they also confirm that he’s clean of anything on the WADA Prohibited List; just by pure reflex?


Damn. I had €10 on him being on Luna-25.


I wouldn’t put it past Putin.


There are reports that witnesses on the ground heard one or more explosions before the plane began to descend. An object in freefall from the plane’s cruising height of 28,000ft would take at least 40 seconds to reach the ground. The Embraer, which still had one wing intact, seems to have fallen much more slowly than that; flight-tracking data put its final speed of descent at 8,000ft/minute, so it would have taken several minutes to fall from cruising height: plenty of time for someone alerted by the noise to get their phone out.

Incidentally, flight tracking data from FlightRadar24 apparently showed that:

the plane … began leveling off at 28,000 feet … then continued at a consistent speed for several minutes before its vertical rate began to decrease “dramatically,” … In its final minutes, the aircraft also made variable climbs and descents in its flight, and at one point climbed above 30,000 feet before descending again …

(quote is from this Newsweek article). Apparent anomalies in radar data often go away when analyzed more closely, but if this is correct, you have to wonder what was going on up there. A 2000ft climb seems an unlikely response to an onboard explosion that severed part of the wing, but it could be consistent with attempts to evade a missile or a hostile aircraft. Could the justifiably-paranoid Prigozhin have had his private jet fitted with a military-style missile approach warning (MAW) system that alerted his pilot of an incoming missile?


Apparently a video already posted in June, and Embraer doesn’t make time machines.


They do, but they haven’t been able to tell you yet, because time travel. It’s complicated.


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