The amount of alcohol you should have is zero

I can’t make an informed choice, I’m already druk.


Interesting notion. I haven’t a strong enough grasp of organic chemistry to have anything like an informed optinion, but an increasing lack of alcoholic tolerance seems to be common as we age.

Anecdotally I find that that, although I was never a heavy drinker, when I was younger on occasions when I did drink a lot I felt just fine the next day. Now if I have three glasses of wine over a six hour period I feel like I’m completely poisoned the next day. Something has changed. I don’t think it’s the wine.




You can ferment Greedo, so maybe you can do the same with Boba Fett.

After Greedo’s death, Wuher and his new droid companion, C2-R4, claimed the bounty hunter’s body and ground it up into a powerful liqueur.


Best of both worlds?


You sound like me when I was in denial of being an alcoholic.


Ah, you’re luck to be producing any at all - any alcohol I drink converts itself instantly into head-splitting pain and nausea for me. Even waving an opened bottle of most ethanol-based beverages under my nose results in a migraine headache that lasts up to an hour.

The worst part of it is, there’s a jerk at my University who walks past my office every now and then who literally bathes in cologne - despite my office door always being wide open, I have no idea what he looks like. I head his boots clumping down the hallway, then my eyesight just whites out, and it takes about half an hour before it fades back down to just a really bad headache.


Turns out, humans are meant to live until they are five hundred, but we are all eating this poisonous food and drink all the time and so can barely limp past eighty.

A headline much like this one has told me that every single goddamn thing I’ve ever eaten will kill me stone cold dead for one reason or another. If I heeded all of them I’d have starved to death ages ago.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow a meta-study may show that happiness is the leading cause of cancer.


This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. I heard an interview once of an alcohol researcher on the radio. His main point was the “a glass of red wine a day is good for you” thing was a total myth. If I recall correctly, he said the first important studies on alcohol put former alcoholics in the non-drinking category. This made the non-drinkers seem much more unhealthy than they actually were (and less healthy than those who drank moderately). Once this mistake was noticed and the former alcoholics were removed from the non-drinking category it became obvious that drinking any alcohol had negative effects on your health. This was realized decades ago but it hasn’t seeped into public knowledge because it is unpopular.


The amount of alcohol you should have is zero

So even on the weekend I shouldn’t have say, two alcohols? Not even one alcohol?!

That’s what I said, bartender, milk please. No more alcohols for me!


It gives a whole heap of zing
Whole heap of zing to do one’s own thing.

It makes a person feel so fine
It keep them rocking all of the time.

I get splitting headaches, and throw up everything in my stomach for about 8 hrs after i wake up the next day, if I over do it at all. A single glass of champagne can be “over did it.”

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They really should have made an alcoholic Orbitz.


Ya, especially in the morning. The rocking seems to help, a bit…




Less jokingly, quality of quantity in food and drink.


The saddest thing about this is that we live in a golden age of psychoactive chemicals - there are so many great and interesting things you can do to your brain with very mild long-term physiological impact…and yet still by far people continue to take the traditional approach. Like, I appreciate sentimentality and tradition, but I don’t paint my house in lead for tradition’s sake.


I think Zima tastes like Fresca…

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Would the spheres also be alcoholic or were you thinking something psychotropic?


I’ll add this to the list of “things I shouldn’t do, but will”.

Science, you know I love you, but you have so many damn rules.