The amount of alcohol you should have is zero

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The amount of fucks I give is also zero.

Pass me a Zima plz .


I haven’t been able to drink at all since I had kids. I can hardly get enough sleep or focus enough at work as it is. I feel like I can’t spare a minute of alertness or on-taskness. I probably just need to relax and have a…dammit.


The belief, posed by my MD father, is that genetically our bodies (and my sister, but not my brother who is too ‘like my mom’) do not produce enough aldehyde dehydrogenase to break the acetaldehyde down and we essentially are poisoning ourselves, as the paper says.


But but, RED WINE! Something something good for you in it, mumble mumble


Well I go that going for me, at least.

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Studies are funny things. In the last few decades, headline-making studies have told me that I should never eat fat; that fat doesn’t matter, but carbs make you fat; that you should have one drink a day to improve your health; that drinking red wine will improve the health of your heart, or maybe that drinking zero alcohol is the best way to be healthy.

Seems like it always comes back to all things in moderation.


Except Zimas! Man, those are tasty.



It could be that one glass of wine may help your heart, but hurt you in other areas. Or that people who drink wine are typically doing more than just the one glass.

That’s my motto. Except when it comes to Boba Fetts. Get all the Boba Fetts.




Yes, but, can one ferment Boba Fetts in order to make viable hooch?


“Well it looks like she’s had fun.”

“I didn’t say it wasn’t fun, but is it good for us?”

I’m guessing that you’ve never been imprisoned by the Empire, or you’d know how popular Fett pruno is. All you need is a big wad of Mandalorians to get it going.


No no, you don’t understand. All those other studies were wrong and bad and fake news, but this time, oh man, this time it’s for real!


but this is a meta-study.

Using 694 data sources of individual and population-level alcohol consumption, along with 592 prospective and retrospective studies on the risk of alcohol use,

We heard you like don’t trust studies, so we put a study on your study.


Most articles based on this paper are being misled by the headlines and need to statistics better.

The BBC gets it right in its article on the subject, because it uses a measure of risk that is much more comprehensible:

Analysing data from 15 to 95-year-olds, the researchers compared people who did not drink at all with those who had one alcoholic drink a day.

They found that out of 100,000 non-drinkers, 914 would develop an alcohol-related health problem such as cancer or suffer an injury.

But an extra four people would be affected if they drank one alcoholic drink a day.

Over a lifetime of alcohol use at the rate of one drink a day, the increased rate of any problems is four in one hundred thousand.

Using this information, now make an informed choice about your own drinking.


I dislike harder alcohol, I don’t find drinking them to be enjoyable during and after. I am more of a craft beer aficionado and thankfully I find it agrees with me more too, the only times I feel like my body reacts to it badly the next day is if I over drink or drink too late in the day.


I went out last night to a nice bourbon bar in LA. I had 3 old fashioneds as well as one shot on the house of a nice single barrel from wild turkey.

Each drink was accompanied with a tall glass of water. And a little extra water to be sure.

I was certainly feeling very good.

This morning I feel perfectly fine. I’m not groggy or hazy. No headache.

Drinking too much can and will kill you. Drinking in moderation isn’t going to kill you any faster or more rapidly than any other thing in this world. I’m waiting for the new study that seems eggs terrible for us again. And avocados are the new poison.



I’m not saying alcohol is not bad for you, but it is a question of degree and of balancing the benefits. Does having a drink a day make you a happier person? Maybe that increased quality of life is worth a potential decrease in longevity.

There’s a puritanical tendency in reporting health/nutrition news that is not helpful.