The best thing you will read about the revelation that Captain America was a Nazi spy

Aren’t you blithely ignoring the darker and edgier side of Captain America?


You forgot “werewolf”.

EDIT: shit, you used the same image! That what I get for not reading the whole thread.

They’ve done worse things to him in the past.


Eventually it’s a losing battle to think of it as a proper name instead of a title. Just ask the Caesars.

I actually remember a very short-lived team comic called the “Thor Corps”. It had all the 90s “power of Thor” heroes: Thor, Thunderstrike, Beta Ray Bill… I think it’s safe to say Marvel’s Thor has reached that name-as-title saturation point.


So what did the guy who got replaced have to call himself? The-Asgardian-Formerly-Known-As-Thor?

Didn’t he go with Odinson?


“That’s Odin-biological-son and not Odin-adopted-son who turned out to be kind of an asshole.”


[quote=“logruszed, post:19, topic:78677, full:true”]I probably won’t read the comics to see how or if they address this, but if they don’t then it’s a real continuity issue.

Kobik, a near-omnipotent being created from the assembled shards of cosmic cubes—an object that’s Marvel’s giant “rewrite whatever we want” plot device—is fairly prominent in the issue. That’s the easiest (and most likely, coming slightly before triple-agent in my personal list of probabilities) explanation.

Edit: Mind control’s also a possibility, but it seems unlikely given both the number of flashbacks and cube references, and also as that would be a bit too similar to a classic Lee/Kirby story arc:


Secret Wars had a tie-in called “Thors” where, well, the Thors were the cops of Battle World. You basically had everyone who ever wielded the hammer, including multiple versions of Odinson, Beta Ray Bill, Storm, Thorg, Destroyer, etc. Odin was the tough sergeant who had enough of this shit and just needed them to go out and do their jobs, dammit!


[quote=“dan_p_harmon, post:20, topic:78677, full:true”]
But this is no different- nor is the reaction- to Cap telling the president to fuck off in the late 80’s. That supposedly went against the character, too…[/quote]

Wasn’t that because the President (a thinly-veiled Nixon reference) was a leader in the Secret Empire (a division of Hydra)?

In other words, that story made some sense because Cap was still fighting Hydra, even after they infiltrated the legitimate U.S. government. Which makes this twist make even less sense.


It’s a good thing Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth is in a parallel universe.

Because she’d have figured this out ages ago.


In the long-run, I think the films and Disney control will be a stabilizing force.

The movies are a much bigger business, and draw in a lot more former-, not-yet-, and never-will-be- comic readers than they do current comic-readers. Yet they need the comics for source material and a base of people who care, if only for nostalgia reasons, so there’s no danger of them going away. Instead, you get pressure for the comic versions to stabilize into something close to the film versions, which is generally the older versions of the characters.

Eventually, all the characters either have to die (and some do stay dead - ask Dr. Druid), pass on the torch (Ant-Man), or snap back to a relatively early version (Spider-Man).


Hopefully Fox gives up the X-Men franchise so Marvel can stop minimizing the mutants in the comics in order to bolster the MCU over the X-Men. This whole current thread of inhumans as stand-ins for mutants is annoying.


He did this one time when he became president of the United States.

It was a What If? issue.


He’s a clone!! No wait, he’s from an alternate Earth!! No wait, he has a brain tumor!! No wait, he’s being controlled by the Red Skull!!!

all of the things Marvel will come up with to back away from this.

Not that I’m reading comics anymore. Besides since deep pockets Disney has Marvel, who cares if the comic book side goes under?


Was one of them 2 days from retirement though?


I don’t know if he was retiring, but he was gruff and didn’t want to put up with this shit anymore, then promptly died.


…as does everyone else with an opinion or an ounce of fame. A death threat (that consists of just “die die die” or “die rat die rat”) needs to be taken for what it really is, the frustrated ramblings of the grammatically challenged. Oh, and “Kill. Your. Self.” was a jibe starting sometime in the fifth grade…

If you’re going to effectively turn a property beloved by many into, basically, an allegory for an anti-Semite you shouldn’t be handling that property if you don’t understand why your target demo reacts strongly.

I don’t believe the tweets that promise to make me rich, so I don’t believe their polar opposite either.


My former figure drawing professor would’ve smacked someone upside the head for that travesty.