The Coen Brothers' Ballad of Buster Scruggs looks like too much fun

Agreed, but…

… sitting in front of us while watching No Country For Old Men in the theater, a middle aged couple voted with their feet. The instant that Javier Bardem’s character killed using a cattle gun, said couple looked at each other, hubby yelled “They always do this!”, then both ran out. It was… Coenesque!


Yeah, well, remember, we’re judging on the Coen Brothers scale, not the normal Hollywood scale, which is two steps below.

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History disagrees. A model rises to supplant the existing models, and is eventually supplanted. You can’t hold back the tide. Maybe Netflix will adapt to whatever the next model is and survive, or maybe they won’t. I’m not an investor and I don’t care.

You don’t care so much that you are here commenting on it even 3 days later. You do you.

One might say that with a movie ticket costing up to $12-15 per person these days, the cost of going to a theater is becoming prohibitive, whereas a single month subscription cost to Netflix allows access to many, many fine films and television shows, so therefore Netflix is actually giving passion projects like Ballad of Buster Scruggs a larger audience than a small art-house theatrical release. But feel free to keep yelling at clouds.

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History also tells us that the existing models aren’t always supplanted by better ones.

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