The creators of The Office explain how they made the show

I’m glad we have both as both were quite enjoyable. I cant wait for Netflix to add that “random episode” feature.

That’s what she said!


You should watch the UK version, then. David Brent will win that contest hands-down.

  1. hire Steve Carell

  2. profit

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If you still haven’t seen the show there’s a pretty good chance that you’re actually one of the characters in the show.


I really like Ricky Gervais, and I really liked his The Office.

But I think I liked the US version more.

I’m fine with dark comedy, uncomfortable comedy, cringe comedy, and all that. But the awkward discomfort of the original series got to be too much for me. Too one-note.


We don’t object to having humanity and vulnerability with our satire and sarcasm.

Only Fools and Horses is consistently chosen as one of Britain’s favourite comedies


" The creators of The Office" were Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant!

(I’m not here to say the UK version was better than the US version. Both play magnificently to their strengths and are equally enjoyable, if differently slanted.) But credit where it’s due. A more accurate title would have been “The men behind the US version of The Office explain how it was made.”


No doubt everyone’s enjoyment of comedy is influenced by their natural culture.

The odd thing I find about watching American situationcomedies is that they all seem so scripted, while British ones seem natural even when they are ludicrously unrealistic (e.g. Father Ted.)

Obviously all sitcom is scripted except when an actor ad libs and they keep it in the edit.

Once the US version ditched the UK scripts/screenplay and downbeat style, after only a few episodes, and became it’s own thing, its excellent - up there with Parks and Rec as my favourite US comedies.

In fact it’s in the OP.

It was especially interesting to hear about how the personality of Michael Scott was changed from a thoroughly unlikable person to a sympathetic character early in the series, and why it was a smart move.


I’m going to quibble with the statement that a show lasting 200 episodes is better than a show lasting 12 episodes. Frankly, I wish US shows would end more quickly. I think 3-5 seasons is enough.

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