The DEA seized a retired railroad engineer's life savings

Not going to happen until rich people start getting their yachts and second homes confiscated for, say, insider trading or wage theft.


Pfft. Anything pre-pandemic is ancient forgotten history. lol


I agree. I considered saying as much in my original reply but decided against it because OP already called DEA dysfunctional, and I assume the same is believed to be true of all right-minded individuals reading about this situation (or civil forfeiture in general)


to read these kind of stories while thinking of all the times being called a “socialist” just for living in the EU …



Long time ago, I read that from a legal standpoint, civil forfeiture is kind of like charging the money itself with a crime. The money can’t defend itself (it has no mouth with which to argue) and so it’s near impossible to fight it.

This is yet another example of right wing hypocrisy. Property rights my ass.


Sometimes people I don’t always agree with do things I agree with. Take Rand Paul for instance. I abhor 97% of what he says and does, but about 3% of the time I find myself agreeing with him, dadgummit.


Civil Forfeiture and Qualified Immunity are both fabricated legal concepts that should be explicitly outlawed forever.

Neither is used for anything justifiable, and it makes me sick to live in a system where this can be done to someone.

This man is from my own city. This massively pisses me off.


100% Every fucking time I hear about it it blow my mind they are literally stealing with no evidence.

They need to do it to a congress critter - then maybe we would get a chance of ending it.


Reasonable to you: I guess innocent people should have to walk around this country assuming that their also innocent actions are to be presumed criminal… That’s not a U.S. I grew up in nor want to live in.

There’s a presumption of innocence in our legal system. Your sentiment reflects a lot of what I hear nowadays, but it’s not what a lot of us grew up with, nor reflects the best aspects of the U,S., and no, I’m not a right-winger or a libertarian, I’m just someone who would like to return to some norms in this country that don’t presume guilt in an increasing number of innocent circumstances.(and I don’t think I have very many peers regarding this issue)


Exactly. Let me preface what I’m about to write by writing that I’m not advocating anything at all.

So, when people go on and on about the 2nd Amendment and its purpose, what on The Flying Spaghetti Monster’s Green Earth is it for? If it’s not for fighting government abuse, then what?

Sorry. Stupid rant. Nothing to see here, move along.


Because if you shoot a cop trying to take your money, suddenly you’re the bad guy. :confused:


Civil forfeiture = fascist seizure.

Things are FUABS!!

The enemy of my enemy is useful

When these people happen to do something on which we agree, they should be encouraged to focus on that for as long as possible.

And if the one thing we can agree on is “Cops shouldn’t be stealing your shit.” then fine. (I mean, I would have preferred if the great unifying thing was “Cops shouldn’t be killing people”, but I’ll take what I can get.)


We went over this back in January. Extenuating circumstances (dad not bank-savvy, plane leaving before bank opened, etc.) kept the daughter from doing the most expedient thing.


You know damned well this. will. never. happen.

Elect better Congresscritters!


It’s not, both parties seem to be complicit. Politicians will pick your pockets, and use armed officers to finish the job whenever you catch them.


Unfortunately, there’s a trick for that one.

To prevent civily-forfeited assets from languishing; they can be ‘adopted’ by federal agencies and processed outside of state law; with the state-level entity that started the seizure getting up to 80% of the cut. I don’t think that this particular piece of creativity is all that new; it was limited somewhat in 2015 by then AG Holder; but, in order to bring the worst timeline back on track, AG Sessions reversed that.

Despite relatively wide bipartisan interest, this remains the case.


This piece should have mentioned the fact that the money is being returned. That’s the only reason it’s in the new today; the money was confiscated six months ago.

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While I agree that cops shouldn’t be one of your worries, there are still thieves or accidents can happen.