The DEA seized a retired railroad engineer's life savings

This has more details on how the DHS, CBP, TSA, and ICE target people traveling with large sums of cash. To cut off a big source of revenue to those agencies, we need more stories that raise awareness among travelers that they must fill out the proper forms:

What jumped out at me was that proper reporting of the money would’ve kept 50% of it out of their grubby hands.


“Right to Rent” wouldn’t be necessary if racists weren’t using minor legal infractions to prevent minorities from moving in. Infractions they overlook for tenants they find more desirable.

Exactly this. I think it reflects a deeper shift toward refusing to let ideals, expressed in words, be seen as having value and meaning separate from the people who espouse them. Lots of libertarians are assholes, loudly outspoken ones who make some really bizarre conclusions about what they think their stated principles imply or who are willing to bite some really awful bullets for the sake of said principles. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a valuable idea behind the principles themselves. Ditto for communists, socialists, environmentalists, and so on. It’s really hard to even try and do this, so apparently we stopped bothering instead of putting in the work. We really haven’t tried to deal with the fact that different principles, each worthy and valuable, will usually be in conflict with each other in many contexts.

We have not yet grappled, collectively, with the fact that we don’t know how to run a society without systematized laws even though no system we can efficiently express and understand can encompass the complexity of the world we apply it to.

“Right to rent” refers to buying property in a residential area, and then turning it into an AirB&B despite whatever zoning restrictions are in place. The Institute for Justice fights against zoning laws and most restrictions on private property use.

  1. I can dream.

  2. Sure it could. Some cop who doesn’t buy that say Cory Booker is a - scoff - Congressman. Sure they probably would return his money after the fact, but maybe that would be enough to light a fire.



I’m imagining a certain hijab-wearing Congressperson having reminded peeps of that status through a regularized notification channel she had to hatch to have that never happen at least 4 times.

After that I could use an illuminated Venn Diagram of Libertarians, Sovereign Citizens, Lady Sovereign, etc. but rather far after.

cop who doesn’t buy that say Cory Booker is a -scoff- Congressman.

Rekt my Venn all up nowabouts! (As the ‘hey buddy’ convergence of consoling child, starting fight, and petting an animal, apparently.)


And yet the people who hide billions in off-shore places never have any trouble moving their money around.


These folks may not be ignorant of banking. All it takes is an identity thief with one employee at the bank and a second in law enforcement and/or court system to clean out someone’s account. Happens all the time. FDIC may insure it once but the thief will have it twice if possible.

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Do you have a source for this info? From what I see they’re still trying to get it back through suing the DEA


I hear you about Omar and Tlibi (though she may not be Muslim)! Expand The Squad, says I.

Well, no. What will happen is, they’ll get the full amount back (and only that amount), but they’ll have spent nearly that much in legal fees to get it back.

$80k is probably past the point of break-even. But if it had been $10k, or even $20k, they’d have kissed that money goodbye.

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I know that feeling very well too, but I’m always a bit suspicious when it happens. Is my position wrong? (I’m perfectly willing to examine my own point of view and consider that sometimes it may overlap with that of someone I find repugnant.) Or, as seems to be the far more common case, are we saying the same thing with far different ideas on the actual meaning.

Ex: Something should be done about homelessness.

  • Universal basic income, housing reform, providing low or no cost housing to those that need it.
  • Pass laws making it illegal to be homeless, round up those “guilty” of it, and putting them in for-profit prison workcamps performing manual labor for pennies an hour while charging them $50/day for rent and upkeep.

The return of the funds is detailed here:

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