The DeskStand delivers an adjustable standing desk experience without a new desk

Originally published at: The DeskStand delivers an adjustable standing desk experience without a new desk | Boing Boing

Who wouldn’t want to use a laptop conveniently stowed at upper chest level?

Are these things designed for T-Rex’s ergonomics?

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Did you miss the cleverly hidden keyboards on the lower levels?


A treadmill and an adjustable standing desk brought my daily steps, according to my phone, nearly to WHO the minimal recommendation level.

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You’re right. Laptop is too low, the screen should be at eye level so you’re not tipping your head down or up. Keyboard in this image is too low as well, the arms should be parallel to the ground for best ergonomics.

Note: Doesn’t look like this can be adjusted on the fly. It’s either in place, or not, and it’ll be a pain to use unless someone plans on standing all day. I expect a bit more flexibility in my “adjustable standing/sitting sits-on-top-of-the-desk” device. But then we’re getting into big, bulky units that look ugly.

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