The Electable Mr Sanders

I don’t have a single male relative that made it past 73. Ymmv, and I clearly am expressing a bias.

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My union doesn’t endorse anyone as a matter of policy, which is disappointing. But not as disappointing as it would be if they endorsed Clinton.


Great to see @doctorow posting about Bernie.

I still have to wonder why the BB crew haven’t been all about Bernie for a year already…


After eight years of Obama, I’d think that the (fictional) Union of Political Cartoonists and Political Satire Writers would be falling over themselves to endorse Bernie. Finally, a genuine cartoon character running for president that we don’t hate ourselves for rooting for!!


That’s exactly why every union member should have the option to not pay that portion of the dues which go towards campaigning. How exactly was the decision to endorse Clinton made? Was there anything to have prevented them from endorsing Trump??

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That moment when you figure out where a large portion of Bernies family is…

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So, in other words, you don’t have a single male relative to died between the ages of 75 and 83 - the ages Bernie would be while occupying the White House. So he’s a safe bet.


yeah, that would totally absolve the membership from being responsible in electing a representative leadership! Or at least ward off that unpleasant disappointed when your choice loses?

Quit the union, or reform the union, or work to join the leadership… anything but “well i’m not gonnal let you spend a dime of my money on a thing I am not 100% behind because that’s wrong”. Sometimes you’re on the plus side of that, this time you’re not.

Awfully good campaign strategy – embrace the “socialist” label early on, because you know it’s a label that’s going to be thrown around a lot in the end-game. As a pre-emptive move, it’s a good one. One would hope that the electoral center has the same reaction to people that cry “communist! communist!” as I do. Thank you Senator McCarthy for turning that label into an indicator of rabid wolves.

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Early on, like 50-some years before you announce your candidacy.


I spy, with my little eye… what you did there.

Well played ol’ chap, well played.

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So what’s the story with “superdelegates” at the Democratic National Convention? I don’t know anything about them; are these people who get to vote any way they want when it comes time to pick the Democratic national presidential candidate, regardless of what happens in the primaries? (EDIT: I heard or read something suggesting that, but that’s all I know. Does that mean that if the party establishment wants Hillary, they’ll get Hillary?)



This came up in 2008, when they were worried the super delegates would break for the establishment figure of Clinton even if the party at large went with Obama. Didn’t happen.

Perhaps grounds to hope that isn’t a risk in 2016 either.


Maybe a gentle reminder that if they won’t follow the will of the people it may be the ol’ pitchforks-flails-torches time?


Since I am not the type to go door-to-door or make a billion cold phone calls, I’ve been giving Bernie money every month since last June. I just gave again and I really hope he makes it.


not gentle enough. Hmmm.

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This is what I’m hoping, that they simply won’t have the gall to pick Clinton against votes for Sanders. I’m still looking forwards to Clinton vs. Possibly-Ineligible-Cruz vs. Independent-Trump vs. Million-write-ins-for-Bernie as the most exciting (and possibly last) American presidential election.


Trump v Sanders would be cartoonists’ paradise.


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