The events that could kill us all (and how we might prevent them)

That plus anything that kills off the ocean’s algae would about do it.

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From 2010:

40% in the past 60 years. By all accounts warming is faster now…


Just last weekend I had an epic dream. Two or three asteroids hitting every day, sometimes a city killer, sometimes as just a big noise maker. Been going on for a week or so, no significant slowing. So just a matter of time before one gets me.

Last “scene” was my wife and I watching a big one hit just over the horizon. Then we watched a 50m high wave of earth approach. We embraced as the wave washed over us.

Then I woke up.

'Twould be scary as fs$%k to live in that environment. Inevitable, but possibly brief, destruction.

That’s a neat idea; geothermalling the living fuck out of the super volcano to provide electricity to power all of America’s cars and having enough energy left over on the side to power a network of anti-asteroid lasers. :smiley:


Whatever solutions or recommendations he comes up with will be immediately overwhelmed by shitbirds like Bolsinaro, Trump, McConnell, Salvini, Modi in Kashmir, et al. Not to mention Kim of the North and Putin of the East, and Ebola of the South, and the internal combustion engined car in your driveway and the planes in the sky, and the IMF. And Jeff “Lex Luthor” Bezos.

Zappa said (on film, no less) “Absurdity is reality.”

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I keep forgetting about this. I need to add it to my list.

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