Originally published at: The fast food reviewer who wears a full suit | Boing Boing
Came here for this. I doubted myself and even googled… perhaps there was another Sam Rockwell? Maybe the actor is also a painter?
… or maybe Grant stayed up late watching Jojo Rabbit and had a brain fart
This youtuber is best known for this quote
(i still randomly quote this when i try something subpar when going out to eat)
I was hoping maybe Sam Rockwell paints as a hobby. Some actors do. But I found this from a reddit AMA in response to being asked what his favorite hobby was: “I don’t really have one, that’s my problem. I like boxing, but I don’t spare (sic) much anymore. Strangely enough, I lasso a bunch (i needed to learn it for a Sam Sheppard part). I’m sometimes in the streets of London just lassoing garbage cans.” Now I have to go Google to see if there’s a picture of Sam Rockwell lassoing garbage cans in London.
ETA: Sadly, I cannot find any such picture.
That has to be the ugliest macaron I’ve ever seen.
His famous painting “Three Youtubers Outside Ebbing Missouri” hangs in the Smithsonian.
He also has a show broadcast on short wave radio.
Nope, I just mixed up my Rockwells. Showing my age (or lack thereof)…
As long as George Lincoln Rockwell isn’t in the mix you’re good.
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