The Fight for Net Neutrality isn't over; The Senate can nullify the FCC's decision

As of right now there are forty co-sponsors on the bill to nullify the FCC’s repeal of Title 2 classification for the internet. That they have enough co-signers of this measure means it must go to a floor vote rather than get stuck in comittee.

So I urge everyone regardless of what party their representatives is, call your local senator and leave a short polite message asking them to vote in favor of overturning the FCC"s decision.

Put in yoru zip code and that site will give you a list of people. Please remember this is a SENATE Vote ONLY. Every state has two senetors. Contact both of them. Email is a ‘would be nice’ but calling is that extra measure because an intern has to go through those. Don’t get super elaborate because you won’t get someone important. You will be a tick box on a tally sheet. So keep it polite, keep it on point.

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