I’d be inclined to provide another data point, but I’d say that it’s more the fact that IQ is only one of a few major factors in success in general, but it doesn’t guarantee it. This has been borne out in a number of studies, so even though I didn’t have as much success as some others around me, it doesn’t debunk the correlation. It doesn’t even debunk it in my case, since my relative lack of success has generally been because of ADHD – without meaning to be, I was basically the most spaced out kid throughout school. However, this hardly mattered where I could learn at my own rate and didn’t need to write essays. I learned to read faster than anyone else in my year and generally got some of the best marks until high school. During high school I was completely spaced out and ended up with B, B, C, D in my A levels. Not as bad as some people, but this was in a really good school and a lot of my fellow students went to top universities. Eventually after a few years away, I took night school and got better marks.
The thing is that while my IQ didn’t hand me success, it stopped me from being as bad as I could have been. It meant that I aced any entrance exam I was given and people saw me as someone who wasn’t reaching his potential rather than a loser. It affected my own self-image in the same way. I thought something was wrong with me, but it wasn’t that I wasn’t the intellectual peer of the other students. Once I decided that my authority figures were actually wrong about motivation (at least where I was concerned) and that I should develop my own style, I was able to do better and catch up to some degree. It turns out that the style I developed is very similar to the ones advocated by professionals for people like me.
Another thing about IQ is that there is a correlation with success in part because people believe that there is a correlation. This was true in my case, since a good part of the success I do have is due to people valuing innate intelligence. My gender and skin colour have also been helpful for the same reason. You get plenty of white guys claiming to be evidence that privilege doesn’t exist in their case, but in most cases they’re comparing average white guys with outliers from other backgrounds.