Exploring the weird and wonderful world of RPG zines

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/31/exploring-the-weird-and-wonderful-world-of-rpg-zines.html

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Saving this for Election Week Distraction purposes!

I wrote a LOT for RPG mags back in the 80s.

Recently, I’ve been contributing to the “Hexagram” zine put out by Steve Jackson Games for their The Fantasy Trip RPG.


The Fantasy Trip revival gives me the weirdest feels. In a good way.



I had the honor of working with Sean McCoy, of Tuesday Knight Games, both at doing some illustrations for him and for greenlighting one pamphlet adventure module I wrote for Mothership RPG.

McCoy was responsible for Dissident Whispers, a collection of two pages RPG modulesof all kind, system neutral modules, and other mini-games in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. A book that i cannot recommend enough, it’s great, the printing quality is awesome (at least the Melsonia printed edition) it’s full color, full weirdness and full FUN.

Mothership’s DIY module community is great, open, and we are even coordinating world-wide to release a bundle of modules this Christmas.

If you are looking for indie rpg zines, look in Itch.io , it’s way friendlier to creators and clients alike than DriveThruRPG.


I’ve been linking to zines on my humble little blog for over six years. Here’s a massive list: https://rendedpress.blogspot.com/p/old-school-zines.html


I LOVE Mothership!


Wow, I didn’t know this was a thing. I gotta get me some issues.

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This is fab! Will do a stand-alone BB post about it.

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From 1977:

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Jeez, let’s just crash my blog with an influx of BB readers…


Been there myself - totally worth it.

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Speaking of Mothership, the recent supplement Gradient Descent is incredible. I thought Dead Planet was impressive, but this blows that out of the water.


Certainly! I backed the kickstarter and I can’t wait for the physical release.
Mothership has the best layout and design I’d ever seen in a roleplaying book.
Information is condensed, crystal clear and presented in the most accessible form. Gradient Descent idea of pairing dungeon room numbers with page number is the neatest idea in design I’d seen since AD&D 2ªed rule of “one page, one monster” in TSR’s Monstrous Compendium collection.


Yeah, as a former graphic designer, the design and layout of Mothership blew me away.


No worries, then. I won’t bother.

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I had this! Very interesting SF RPG. One of the many things I sold before moving west.

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There is about to be a Kickstarter for Hexagon issue #6. You can buy back issues as an add-on.

I’ve had an article in issues #2 - #6. (I just got paid for the latest, which money I’ll use for the kickstarter because they have neat add-ons!)

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Never played it (or any RPG, for that matter), but I knew one of the authors, and spent an evening collating. Long time ago now . . . .

I just remembered a disappointment connected to this game.

I went to a long-ago game convention, and was excited to see that there was a session of this game scheduled. I signed up and showed and . . . I was the only participant. I talked with the designers a bit. The told me of the origin of the company name, and offered me the gift certificate that they were going to give the winner of the session. I told them it was OK.

So, I missed my only chance to actually play the game!

(Paul Hume later was involved with Aftermath, which was published by FGU, which I freelance-wrote for.)

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