The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 1)

Next week:

“Hey, boss! We’ve got a massive bug that’s got IG shut down.”

“Well, fix it.”

“That’s the thing. It’s in the code Wendell wrote for the high-performance servers.”

“So get Wendell to fix it!”

“He left last week…”


Not so fast.


Martin says in the video. “When I told her what I was there for, my birth control, she looks me up and down and goes, ‘hmm.’ Like, excuse me? She then says, ‘yeah, we’re not going to refill that prescription, you need to call your provider.”

When Martin asked the employee if she couldn’t fill the prescription, or if she simply wouldn’t, the woman allegedly told her again to call her provider. After discussing with her provider’s office and finding out that she still had multiple refills left, she called the pharmacy again, and spoke to a different employee. At this point, her prescription is four to five days overdue, she says.

“I call Walgreens again, the amazing lady who helped this time was great,” she says. “She said, ‘I don’t know why we haven’t refilled this for you, you have four more refills left and your provider called approving it. I’m going to fill this for you, but would you mind telling me who helped you last time?'”

When Martin told her which employee attended to her last time, the Walgreens worker said this wasn’t the first complaint against that particular employee.


Apparently airlines ripping off the US Mail is a thing. First Delta now:


If a person has religious (or other) objections to fulfilling the duties of a job they have no business taking that job


“Must be able to safely lift 50 lbs.” is a common requirement on restaurant and construction job applications.
“Must be able to dispense medications in accordance with valid prescriptions,” should be one for pharmacies.
And, “must be able to dispense licenses in accordance with local laws, regardless of personal or religious views,” should be one for any town/city clerk.


Unfortunately, that depends on what state you happen to live in.

(The article is several years old now, so I don’t know if the courts have made a bigger mess of things since then)


“Religious Freedom” laws in many states make seeking medical care a minefield for lots of folks. “If I personally oppose who, what or how you are, I have the right to screw you over any way possible” seems to sum it up pretty well.


That is so fucked up. I’m with @Kii - if you can’t (or won’t) do the job, you shouldn’t be able to have the job. Period.


But sure, they’re “pro-life”…


Lawrence H Pfaff Sr. was born in Belmont, NY, on April 16, 1941. He passed away on June 27, 2022, living a long life, much longer than he deserved. He is survived by his three children, no four. Oops, five children. Well as of 2022 we believe there is one more that we know about, but there could be more. His love was abundant when it came to himself, but for his children it was limited. From a young age, he was a ladies’ man and an abusive alcoholic, solidifying his commitment to both with the path of destruction he left behind, damaging his adult children, and leaving them broken.

Lawrence, Sr’s hobbies included abusing his first wife and children. He loved to start projects but never followed through on any of them. He enjoyed the life of a bar fly for many years and had a quaint little living space, studio, above his favorite hole in the wall, the club Nashville.

Lawrence, Sr. did spend over 20 years in the NYPD, but even his time in service was negligent at best. Because of his alcohol addiction, his Commanding Officer took away his gun and badge, replacing them with a broom until he could get his act together.

Lawrence, Sr. did claim to be clean and sober for over thirty years, but never worked any of the twelve steps, including the eighth and ninth steps with his children, making amends. He possesses no redeeming qualities for his children, including the ones he knew, and the "ones he knew about.”

It will be challenging to miss Lawrence, Sr. because he was narcissistic. He was incapable of love. Lawrence, Sr.'s passing proves that evil does eventually die, and it marks a time of healing, which will allow his children to get the closure they deserve. Lawrence, Sr. can be remembered for being a father to many, and a dad to none.

Posted online on July 02, 2022

Published in Florida Times Union

  • Damn!

That’s what keeps me striving.


She forgot the crypto part.


Indeed! That must’ve been so cathartic for the children!


An Oakland County Circuit judge Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit against Deadline Detroit filed by a parent who alleged he was defamed by Deadline Detroit in a story about a Birmingham School Board meeting on mandatory Covid masks.


I have already sent this to several close friends.

Read into that what you will!


You made the front page!
No credit, of course, but still…


Lots of things we all post end up there.