It’s not that weird. As usual (cf. gun laws, creationism, SI units…) it’s the Americans that are the odd ones out with their huge bowling balls, and it’s just the movies that make us believe that’s normal…
The US has a variety of bowling types that is regional.
Our 10 pin larger pins came out of people avoiding laws prohibiting bowling due to its association with drinking and gambling.
It’s also by happy circumstances- the best bowling game!
Charles Dickens wrote about this.
And, so what happens? We end up using it as a reason to drink and gamble. I’m OK with that*.
*provided you don’t let it get out of hand
It’s not gambling- it’s Prize Money!
don’t forget beer frames!
low roll buys the next pitcher!
I’ve tried to explain to folks before that a strong pitcher is essential for good bowling
after the brother
SovCits are always firing liens like paper spitballs. One judge wasn’t having that.
Covid ate his homework, or not.
“Unions are for the stupid people,” said the soul-free rich person.
Albriton’s actual words:
After all, the prison system isn’t really geared to handling white racialized problems, especially for a young man with a promising future, and sentencing him to a special Reading Circle program where he can be graded rather than punished shows forward thinking. /s
Ugh. It might work, but it all stinks of white privilege, and even white supremacist privilege. “Please stop being a Nazi. We have cookies!”
Cross posting.
Mitch McConnell finally got what he wanted when he set out to steal the Supreme Court.