Originally published at: The Hambuglar was a "crafty" old man with a giant nose who stalked children in McDonaldland | Boing Boing
That is one horrifying, Jew-hating acid trip. No doubt he was out for their adrenochrome, but they didn’t serve pizza back then.
Especially weird considering that cheeseburgers aren’t even Kosher.
It’s like having a Bacon Bandit who looks like a caricature of an Arab Muslim.
“Like Ronald said…”
and then you can’t make out what he says.
Triumvirate? Hamburglar, Grimace, the Gobblins (aka the Fry Guys) and Captain Crook. They all originally stole food from McD’s customers.
“He’s coming to steal your hamburgers.”
kid shrugs
“…and he looks like Tim Burton!”
kid screams
That’s scary - but it’s no Noseybonk:
I can’t believe the Hamburglar, of all their characters, isn’t fully and permanently retired by now. Stick with Ronald, delete everything else except maybe that big purple thing.
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