The latest thing on the Internet is people pretending to be uncannily-looping video game character animations

Wow, those give off the vibe of every MMORPG ever that had looping character animations. Bravo for recreating that feeling, even if I can’t imagine why anyone would willingly want MORE looping characters :laughing:

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Welp, that’s enough internet for today.

Along the same lines, this was the only one I had seen:


Even more unpleasant and creepy is a particular case study I ran across years ago when first developing (via Oliver Sacks) a casual interest in neurological cases. The patient constantly hallucinated random dancing, cavorting, etc. cartoon characters in the lower half of her visual field. Nothing audible associated with the images. Imagine something like this — all day long:

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I came here to post this as well. They were ahead of the curve (and excellent) with this.

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