The mind-blowing neuroscience of hacking your dreams

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What if we could peek inside our brains and see our dreams


Just think of the advertising possibilitiesā€¦


when i was in my mid-20s i started a dream journal in which i would scrawl what i could remember of any dream i was having when i woke up in the night or in the morning. after a year or so i began to be able to retain more of the details for longer and longer after awakening so i stopped writing them down. iā€™d love to find that journal again but i have no idea where the past 3 decades have buried it. i do recall some of the most interesting dreams, a few dreams with olfactory components, others with tactile sensations of great realism. even a few with flavors and tastes incorporated into the dream. there were also a few forays into lucid dreaming among them. i take no shame in anything iā€™ve dreamed, whether disgusting, violent, paraphilic, or boring. my theory has long been that dreams represent the mind debugging itself.

(edited for spelling and spacing)


So he has no ability to ā€œhackā€ dreams at all, whatever that means, so letā€™s have a headline that says he can hack dreams. This is exactly what he spent the first half of his talk ridiculing.


Reminds me of Ursula K. Le Guinā€™s mind-blowing book ā€œThe Lathe of Heavenā€. Science Fiction becoming Science Fact?


I donā€™t remember most of my dreams but Iā€™m usually cognizant Iā€™m dreaming. I can fly or rewind time or wake up out of the deepest of dreams. I rarely mess with my dreams, though. I let them happen however they will. Itā€™s the one reliable way I have of telling whatā€™s got me in a funk.

The amount that Iā€™ve learned from them is irreplaceable.

The talk is pretty neat though Iā€™m not sure using dreams as a sort of replacement hypnotherapy is really that advantageous compared to other ways they could condition people. Stopping terrifying dreams for people with PTSD and cPTSD ā€¦ that would be amazing.

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No. No it is not.

This is exactly like Todd Talks.

Come on, itā€™s just a poor little old TED talk ā€“ science as light entertainment. Fluffy speculation goes with the territory. ā€˜Someday, we may be able to fly to the moon by twiddling our toes, blah blah blahā€™ sort of thing. Might be part of grant-sucking procedure, but otherwise it doesnā€™t have a lot to do with actual working science, especially something fairly difficult like figuring out brain function.

Oh I have no beef with TED. They are sometimes woo, sometimes pretty accurate. That was satire, donā€™t yknow?

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All I want is for these scientists to develop a pill, process or procedure that stops my wife from waking up mad at me because of something I did to her in her dream.

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