Originally published at: The moment the great puppy escape began | Boing Boing
The other dogs seem to be looking at the filmer with a, “you gonna let this happen?” look.
Then when they see, yes, this is happening, ba-boom!
The little instigator looks so confused for a second. That would be a long jump down!
Can’t wait for the sequel. Lots of plot lines to tie up.
Which one is Steve McQueen?
I admire their revolutionary courage and athletic prowess; but suspect that much of the revolution’s leadership will be bought out with an offer of treats in the transitional government; while traffic fatalities will sap the effective strength of the more ideologically committed.
Viva la fluff!
Puppers are awesome.
“Heck, I can do that!”
The first one, obvi. He was last seen in solitary playing fetch with himself.
{Play with yourself} as little as possible, it drains the strength.
that little dog just blew my mind.
I’ll be impressed when he rides a bicycle, much less a motorcycle. /s
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