Originally published at: The Moon Actually Has A Tail Made Of Sodium That Wraps Around The Earth Like A Laser | Boing Boing
First, cool
Second, how is a non-light-emitting sodium cloud like a laser?
They’re both a kind of vaporware?
Green cheese…high in sodium…
That tracks.
We’re going to need a lot of crackers.
Wow, “Shit white people say” for $500
“Wraps around the Earth like a laser” is a weird simile, unless it travels away from the Earth in a straight line
Um… it talks?
I won’t be going to the moon. My doctor said to avoid Sodium.
Perhaps the entire Sun-Earth-Moon system was set up to provide a giant salt lick for spacefaring wildlife?
They’re nice until one jumps in front of your ship at Warp 5. Then it’s blood and guts all the way to Alpha Centauri.
The cosmos are crazy
The cosmos is crazy
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