The NRA and its slippery slope

Wait, if lack of training is never a reason idiots do shitty, irresponsible, and deadly things with guns, then why did you say this?

If someone willfully using their gun to harm someone else is going to happen regardless of how well-trained someone is, then how and why would the Pink Pistols have been able to help prevent this poor previously-responsible gun owner from shooting out her back window in a fit of road rage?

Good to see you’re still on team Suicides Don’t Matter, though.

You sound like Marco Rubio right before the crowd cheered his incredulous remark that we’d have to ban over 2,000 kinds of guns to enact an “assault weapons” ban.

And you’re right, that is a really shitty meme, because not all of those guns behave the same way. The top three appear to be single-fire bolt-action rifles, which need to be manually reloaded after every shot. The remaining two have magazines, meaning they can be fired multiple times in much more rapid succession (and many, many times with extended magazines). Scopes mean they can be fired much more accurately at long range, which is the literal definition of a sniper rifle, yes. And is that a prohibition-on-automatic-fire-bypassing bump stock on the last one, or just a non-bump-stock-y shock absorber? I don’t give a shit if they all fire the same ammunition and are technically the same “model”. They have different behaviors and use cases, and should be regulated accordingly.

Gun reform is coming. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but it is coming, because the current environment of mass shootings every other day is completely unacceptable and unsustainable. The NRA and its supporters have a choice to make. They can continue to scream that any reform is a slippery slope to a tyrannical government assault on our freedoms, and that libruls will have to pry their guns from their cold dead hands, OR they can act like fucking grown-ups and contribute their expertise to crafting policy that isn’t dominated by the hysterical know-nothings they’re so deathly afraid of.