Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2016/07/13/tom-the-dancing-bug-needs-mor.html
Tom the Dancing Bug, IN WHICH America needs more guns…
Truly if this our future be, and we all have firearms on our waists and in our purses…
…I will develop a necklace/locket with a touch payment system in the locket portion.
Is it just me or does this look like a New Yorker cover? One that could be captioned “Christ, what a bunch of assholes.”
“Are we the baddies?”
Late Stage Capitalism.
Oddly enough, after the Dallas shooting, the NRA did not bring out its usual argument about how more guns would have prevented this, because there were plenty of guns, and a good guy with a gun did not stop a bad guy with a gun.
It’s frustrating sometimes when you see an interesting-looking GIF and have no hope of finding the original video source, isn’t it?
“Is the baby armed? Well, needs more guns, then.” - The NRA
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a robot with a bomb (after the bad guy with a gun shot a whole bunch of other people with guns)?
I only know what Zardoz has told me.
Zardoz speaks to you!
… like a Christian Afghanistan.
That’s a bit harsh, when was the last time Afghanistan invaded another country?
Once we finally have enough guns, we will indeed be safe from gun violence. It will be impossible to shoot anyone - or, indeed, to move - because of all the guns in the way!
Maybe that was the intent?
I think it’s a nod to Robert Crumb. At least the lettering at the top.
Perfectly sums up America : people have the right to own a gun to protect themselves from people who have the right to own a gun to protect themselves from people who have the right to own a gun to protect themselves from people who have the right to own a gun to protect themselves…
Someone needs to write a story where guns are the grey goo that replicate out of control like a cancerous growth, transforming all matter into firearms and bullets until all the humans are suffocated in guns and starved from lack of food sources. The moral of the story will be told by the now-sentient gun species: “Now that the humans are gone, they’re not around to kill anyone anymore.”