The ocean's salt could blanket the Earth's land surface in a whopping 500-foot layer

Originally published at: The ocean's salt could blanket the Earth's land surface in a whopping 500-foot layer | Boing Boing


Turns out the only reason Galactus hasn’t eaten us yet is because he’s trying to watch his sodium intake.


It says something of the current state of the world that my first reaction to this headline was “Ok, how do we stop that happening?”


The ocean’s salt could blanket the Earth’s land surface in a whopping 500-foot layer

Well go on then. What’s stopping you?


Needs more.

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We should keep this in mind when searching other planets for life- on paper, we’re a terrible candidate for a dominant species.

Parts of the Red Sea basin are underlain by 4km of evaporites produced during intermittent episodes when the Sea became isolated from the Indian Ocean and was evaporated.

As an exercise for the reader - it takes the evaporation of 1km depth of ocean water to produce about 3m of salts.


Then we would be in a pickle.


This is the sort of fact that you should take with a grain of salt.


“1 cubic mile contains 1,101,117,147,000 gallons of water.”
Something is fishy here.
I find 1 101 117 147 428.571 428 571 428 gallons.

What do you mean? African or European?

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I mean, you’re down to the whiskey snot and minerals 9 decimals away. Really hoping the person with the monkey paw doesn’t wish for 500’ of salt.

I imagine someone going around D.C. trying to get people to try ketones, and it’s like, okay i’ll listen to your planned GOP platform for '24, but your face is gonna look like a fumigation tarp and you’re just gonna moisturize it like that, is that good with you?

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1 cubic mile contains 1,101,117,147,000 gallons of water

Jeez these imperial units must just stop being used. Use sane units like classical Greek (a.k.a. Olympic). 1 cubic mile is 1,667,200 Olympic Size Swimming Pools, simple as that.

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We’re gonna need a bigger potato.


Your question has flummoxed me.

Is there a difference of meaning for the idiom “take it with a grain of salt” in different regions?

Sez you

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