The odd tricks that make processed foods taste like they "should"

Sylvia Pankhurst wrote about an industry where women were employed to carve raspberry seeds from wood to add authenticity to jam.


Those are one type of Baudrillard Particle, right?

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You have lost me.

In the one semester five credit college module on wine I did they put it like this: taste is experienced in your tongue- salt, sweet, acid, umami etc. and it’s powerful. Flavour is the volatile chemicals that you smell and that go up the back of your mouth into your nose while you are drinking. It’s where the complexity is.

Also, I was very sick as a teenager one time and was dehydrated, they gave me cherry flavoured rehydration fluid and I refused to drink it as I hate artificial cherry. My lips cracked and my tongue swelled up in my mouth but I, in my hallucinatory state, was resolute in that! Love cherries though. In a couple of weeks I’ll come back with half a kilo from the streets every time I walk the dog.


So that’s why all “cherry-flavored” stuff has this weird, not-at-all-cherry-like half-disgusting flavor. Interesting. Guess I shouldn’t try Maraschino cherries either then :stuck_out_tongue:

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Those don’t sound like cherries. Also, rabbits aren’t leaving raisins laying around either, FYI


I tried reading Simulacra and Simulation once, but it was either too dense or poorly translated or something I never fully digested it. Anyhow, here it is in meme form, though I trust fuzzy to be able to better explain how it relates to artificial raspberry seeds.


I honestly didn’t have anything terribly clever in mind; wooden raspberry seeds produced in miserable industrial sweatshops in order to be substituted for the real thing just seemed like a second-order simulacrum so perfect I would have dismissed it as contrived; and (as they are being used as an additive to ‘add authenticity’ to actual jam that, presumably, was in fact closer to being real jam before adulteration) I imagined the seeds being treated as a class of particle and measured as we do a pollutant to see where on the sign-order you are:

The jam with zero ppm Baudrillard particles is recognized as epistemologically safe and a faithful image; and, as Baudrillard particle concentrations climb(both from wooden seeds and any other similar ingredients) the object in question moves into the unfaithful copy/perversion of reality stage; then the third stage of pretending to be a faithful copy of something that doesn’t actually exist to be an original and, finally, if the good in question is pure Baudrillard particles it’s a stage four, pure simulacrum.

The defense also wishes to note that it was getting towards 3AM and I was tired at the time; so I suspect that it seemed clearer to me then than it actually is.


This is what I have read. Apparently the artificial banana flavor is very much like the Gros Michel banana, now commercially extinct due to Panama disease. The Cavendish is (or at least was, there is a new variant that it is not) immune to Panama disease, but is a much less flavorful variety.


As I understand the story there was a craze for raspberry jam which could not be sustained by the crop, so the jam was made to taste like raspberry but lacked the texture of the seeds. So the jam was faked and then further faked by adding odd nuggets of painstakingly carved wood.

@Bunbain thank you for making it simple for me, I needed that.


If they really “Liked a challenge”
they should have worked on a cure for cancer
rather than new causes of it.

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The secret ingredient is salt




Reminds me of the old dystopian-comedy RPG Paranoia where in the future there are two desserts - Cold Fun and Hot Fun


I’m not sure what component causes the stench, but we have a bag of livestock mineral supplement that has our feed storage room stinking of synthetic banana. And we haven’t even opened it yet!

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