The "One HTML Page Challenge", a great example of view-source culture

Me too, and it is worse today. Getting anywhere on a website is a continual struggle against objects that pop up and obscure the page, large graphics with no information content, infuriatingly slow loading, and unpredictable behavior. Web designers should be required to spend a year doing all their browsing through dialup on a machine with plain vga graphics, to gain some empathy.


I’d include the folk who tell the designers to implement these things. Literally nobody I have ever talked to likes them.

Thankfully, nobody has ever told me to do so.


:heart: hypercard.

If you remember the first color hypercard driver, the non-official one that enabled color before apple released a color version of hypercard? that was my first widely used open source software release, although those terms didn’t exist at the time. freeware was the lingo dejour, and you posted the files to BBSs over dialup (uphill both ways barefoot in the snow lol).


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