The No CSS Club celebrates websites with no stylesheets, let alone javascript. There should be a No HTML Club for websites that are pure text

Originally published at: The No CSS Club celebrates websites with no stylesheets, let alone javascript. There should be a No HTML Club for websites that are pure text | Boing Boing


I feel the need to push up my glasses, and say in my best pedantic voice: Well actually…

All styling in modern browsers is done via CSS, any HTML formatting like <p> or <i> is going to be done by a built in CSS style sheet. You really need to ditch HTML to ditch CSS at this point.


I’ve had JS off by default and only turned on for specific sites for the past 30 years. It improves the web

At least one on the list


But even the “no html” page requires a line of html to tell the browser that what they are about to see is plain text, so display it as such. Pedantic, sure, because the rest really is just ordinary text, but worth pointing out.


I wonder why the site wasn’t made to server the page as Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 instead of sending it as HTML wrapping the plaintext.


It’s using a doctype entry. I’m way many years off my html/css coding, so I don’t know if that’s specifically HTML or a more general type of call. Aka, I could be wrong, but I only know the call in reference to HTML.

BoingBoing already told us where to find text-only websites: The Midnight Pub in Gemini Space | Boing Boing.


this is why i prefer curl.


The next step after No HTML is No Response Body - a website that returns only standard HTTP headers and communicates nothing but the fact that the URL exists.


someone was recently pointing out the differences between Yahoo and Yahoo Japan. YJ does have CSS and JavaScript, but look at the difference (screecaps as of a few minutes ago):

That’s basically just the Gemini protocol.

This jogged my memory to check to see if Free Pascal had anything like Turbo Pascal’s text UI TurboVision.

Yep, it does. FreeVision.


You could do a pretty sick SSH text BBS with a UI. (The mouse clicks don’t work, but I think that’s a PuTTY setting.)

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It’s got bold, italic and underlined text, and a Gothic font for “Sir Tim”…oh, are they all done with Unicode?

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