The Onion will be back in print

At the time I thought The Onion had the best response(s)1) to 9/11 of all2) US media outlets.
I think this still holds up pretty much.

1) Trying to get to grips with something monstrous in a thoughtful yet compassionate way instead of blind rage and hate.

2) Of all those I saw/heard, anyway.


Well, an historically popular fraud was to present potential investors with small but potentially very significant ore samples to persuade them to buy your worked-out mine for ginormous sums.

And/or to claim to have a wonderful new method of doing something or other so that the worked-out mines people already own can be made once again profitable.

I’m sure some of those people genuinely believed in their wonderful new thing - and of course some of them did have exciting new technology that actually worked.

But lots didn’t.


I’ve been saying I’d pay for an Onion print edition since they day to stopped offering it. This subscription was pretty much an insta-buy for me.


Many employees did not live to see today, particularly those who died under tragic circumstances aboard my megayacht, The Asimov, several weeks ago.

That aged like milk.

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