The problems of touchscreens in the Joint Strike Fighter

Certainly, but you get my point. Peacetime development burns tons of money and often misses the mark. I’m curious if we’ll find our multi-million or billion dollar aircraft thwarted by some kind of loitering munition, similar to the Raytheon Coyote (but with anti-aircraft capability), which costs only $20,000 per unit.

Or something even cheaper, like a cluster of fist-sized drones that simply flock into a jet’s flight-path and get sucked into its intakes.

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I agree with you. I saw the recent conflict in Armenia. The drones from Arzebaijan crippled the land forces of the Armenians.

The military are spending money with strategies suited to the last war. But nobody knows nothing about the next one.


There was a part in Bruce Sterling’s Islands in the Net involving an attack/assassination drone, and a character being taken through a catalog of models to try to identify whose it might have been.

Woot, we’re living in a cyberpunk novel…

Edit: That WashPo article is jaw-dropping. We have reached a turning point in modern warfare, really just over the past 3-5 years – ubiquitous attack drones. :grimacing:


I agree with you. We are living in a PKD´s book.


I know, right? And it used to be pretty easy to find a stranger to take a picture of me and a friend out in the world, now I have to make sure they are an android-compatible stranger first. (Future tense, anyway, once everyone’s had shots)

I was trying to find a good shot of the Wonkavator controls. Seemed Apropos.

But no luck. So I think this will do.

FYI Lunar Lander for completeness.

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