The secret to success is working on the Right Thing

I’ve always liked the “Best Of Craigslist” ad that offers to scam you out of $65,000 if your dream has been to open a restaurant.

Amazing Deal
a couple of used kitchen appliances and some tables and chairs along with the rights to rent space in a strip mall for sale…

I am calling it a restaurant since that is what I tried to do, but it could be a great place to turn lead into GOLD !!!.. Or possibly make MILLIONS of dollars overnight shining shoes… all for a wee $65,000… Yeah you could just buy an oven, fridge, and gas grill, with an exhaust hood, and some tables and chairs at auction for less that $15,000… But, that wouldn’t be a profit to me now would it… Or maybe I dumped a couple hundred grand in the place buying new and paying for contractors to do all the work for me… I can’t remember… and I never would tell the truth anyway… I am claiming to sell for health reasons and I will tell you I plan to retire in Florida or some BS that makes you think I made a ton of money here…

This is a real money pit… you can’t go wrong… and besides… why stay employed without much responsibility and kiss your employer’s butt when you can kiss all of St Louis’s lower class butt as a restaurant owner… Where every customer is like your boss at work …

Yep, nothing like being your own boss… putting everything you worked for your whole life on the line even though you have absolutely no experience running a restaurant other than that fast food joint back in high school and that waiting tables job in college… After all, you want to make hamburgers or pizza, and no one else in St Louis does that… You can be the only one to offer such unique food items to the public… Or maybe you can do it better than those other restaurants who have been in business for 30 years or more by adding brussel sprouts or some other kind of goat food to a traditional food item… just remember taste doesn’t mean anything as long as the food has either a catchy name or is considered healthy or whatever the latest fad is…

If interested, write a check for $65,000 cash and hand it to your worst enemy, then call it a learning experience… and save years on your life from worry about bills and time wasted chasing greener pastures… You will save a ton of money in litigation costs by not defaulting on the lease too…

I am the best deal in the world for an inexperienced yuppie with pipe dreams of leaving the office behind or some out of work loser who will never open a book and find out how to make money in this world… Yep… Forget college and experience… There is always a short cut… Everyone knows this… and here is your chance…

I might even be willing to owner finance if I get close to declaring bankruptcy… but I will wait till the last minute and screw myself trying to get a cash deal like I like to do… So you know… Buy now… If you don’t like this one, I am working this hustle at 5 other locations too… I never run a restaurant for real… I just make it look like one has been run there… No one ever asks to see my books… I just put some equipment in a strip mall, rent out the space for $6000 a year and sell it for $65,000 each time… But you the buyer won’t know any different, I promise… !!

Your Right Thing doesn’t necessarily need to be entrepreneurial. Some people just aren’t cut out for self-unemployment, myself very much included. Yet I feel that I have finally found my Right Thing. I get to utilize many of the diverse skillsets I have picked up over the years in support of projects that help solve major social problems.

It took many years of work and life experiences to put me where I am now, and while I will never be wealthy, I get to do work that I actually want to do. And it is a job I wasn’t really qualified to do when I was first hired, but some good people recognized some potential in me, and previous experiences (that themselves were the result of bizarre career changes) gave me some very good references.

So you don’t necessarily need to quit your day job, but if you come to a fork in the road, take it.

What’s the “secret” when you don’t have a family, don’t develop social skills, don’t look pretty, don’t have money? Then what’s the secret?

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