The Snoopers Charter is now law in the UK: "extreme surveillance" rules the land

What I want to know is, “How do I clean faces off my jackboots?” and, “When can I stop stamping, as my legs are getting tired?”

Under a New Party? The problem with revolutions is, you don’t know who is going to end up in power.


No, I’m working for this one.


This law only passed because once again the Labour Party failed to oppose it. In the past Corbyn voted against mass surveillance, this time he couldn’t even be bothered to organise opposition in the Lords or press for meaningful amendments in the Commons.

The LibDems at least had the guts to oppose this legislation. Cory neglected to mention that they were the ones in the coalition government who watered down previous proposals and put a sunset clause on legislation which has now been removed. Labour also supported the previous attempts to introduce the Snoopers’ Charter. The nationalist parties were also brave enough to stop the tilt towards Full Orwell.


I wouldn’t be so cavalier about it.


That might have worked; Circa 1990…

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Cudos for the prose but since that is supposedly your trade it is expected. OTOH WTF does that sentence even mean?

I keep thinking some entrepreneurs are going to start lauding how their dating websites and whatnot are not in the UK and how they are compliant with EU data privacy laws. Or shops saying your purchase history and payment methods are protected. Luxembourg could well transition from a tax haven to a data haven.


I’ll have a Raktajino to celebrate your victory.


The taxpayer, same as now, it would just cost significantly less…


This time his shadow cabinet is even more understaffed and inexperienced, thanks to idiot MPs playing student politics instead of respecting the will of their supporters. I sincerely hope every single Lab MP will have to go through re-selection, starting from Hilary Benn and ending with Angela Eagle.



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I understand why people say things like this. It reminds me of highschool where there was an ad on TV reminding us that if we slept with someone without protection we were essentially sleeping with all of their past sexual partners - we could get HIV if we slept with someone who slept with someone who slept with someone with HIV.

It’s a sort of softened warning for those who will deny the obvious truth. You get HIV by sleeping with someone who has HIV, and there is someone in your peergroup with HIV. No one wanted to listen to that last bit, so they used euphemisms to try to convince us to use protection.

This what if scenario about the future where a totalitarian government comes in and uses your surveillance state against the people isn’t really a what if, it’s an outcome of incremental decisions being made now. The fascists already have power, they are just considerably less murderous than some historical fascists so we give them a pass.

But I don’t know if English-speaking nations will ever elect leaders who actually look out for the best interests of the people. One wonders if white people are just predisposed to be serfs.

[And now, in the style of Stewart Lee’s routine about Top Gear, I will look directly into the camera and say, “See, with that last bit, I was doing a parody of a certain racist way of thinking.”]



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