Eleven!?! That child has talent! And is obviously a nascent evil genius.
Jeebus. I clicked play out of habit before looking at the title. Close call. That would have been in my head for days.
I’ll let you know when it leaves my noggin!
If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not hear about it! Struggling to not think about how the song goes right now.
Fair enough!
I’m so grateful for the Your Favorite Covers thread right now. Go away Carly Rae!
I believe that one was by @anon36271483!
It was. Thank you, @anon36271483! There so much in there, and I haven’t been keeping up with it steadily, so I kind of picked a spot and started working my way through the middle. I’ll be returning to it a lot.
Is that a film?
Is that Travolta?
It’s a TV series from the 1970’s and yes, that is Travolta.
(to be fair, I could tell by the arse-chin)
He’s kinda singular in Hollywood for that physical trait.
Thought about Hall and Oates while looking at the cover song thread, and wound up with this popping into my head: