The story of how Buffalo's oldest, best-established Black neighborhood was literally wiped off the map is a perfect parable about systemic bias -- UPDATED

“Let’s just define the part of town doing well as ‘downtown’ so that downtown is doing better” is pretty funny, I have to say.

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Remind me of this video about an other Black neighbourhood :


Sounds like what happened to Boston’s South End. Not the oldest Black Neighborhood by any means but one of the most prominent in it’s heyday. Also once home to the Greeks, Lebanese, Irish, Puerto-Rican, Jewish and even Canadian Maritimes all living together in harmony it was very diverse. Now it’s more like rich on one side and poor in the middle and artistes on the other.

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Sounds like they’re headed for what Detroit did with the Black Bottom. [](

In the '90s I visited my former teachers who were living in Dorchester. The couple shared a huge Victorian mansion with a group of other professors who taught at various colleges around Boston. I was amazed at the size of the place, because it housed at least five families and their children.

Shortly after that, I attended a lecture that included a presentation on how Boston neighborhoods had changed since the 1800s. They’d color-coded each one based on the largest ethnic group. As the slides moved forward, it looked like each group was chasing another around in a circle. The only major difference was in home ownership, since some groups were only allowed to rent properties. The Boston Globe article on this has been paywalled, but here’s an overview with links to other sources:


After I paid for my girls Colleges i could last for at least 3 months without a paycheck. I’ll work 'til i die.
RIP Dick Dale.

I did live in a mansion though. It was a brownstone. Nana was a Nurse

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