Originally published at: The story of Shinto | Boing Boing
That was informative and the kind of historical trivia that i enjoy learning. Going through the vid i also keenly picked up on a term he glossed over. Honcho.
TIL that honcho is a Japanese term picked up by American POWs. Means squad/group leader
And speaking of which this one i knew but… the English term skosh (to mean a little or small amount) is also derived from the Japanese word Sukoshi
Papasan say, it don’t rain everyday.
No rain, no rainbows.
It’s pretty much the same thing because nobody says the full word “Sukoshi”. In Japanese, it’s generally blurred into “skosh”, I guess kind of “Sukosh” with minimal pronuciation of the “u”. It would be weird to hear someone pronounce the “i”.
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