The TPP's ban on source-code disclosure requirements is terrible news for information security

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Wouldn’t it be easier just to let all this stuff pass? Pretty soon we’d end up with a world where only those in a position to frame these deals would be rich enough to be able to afford all these unaudited devices found in all parts of their lives. The rest of us will have to make do with foraging and barter and only need to wait until the dodgy medical devices do their thing.

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People with jobs think the homeless have it easy. They are wrong.

I tend to lose sight of the fact that a great deal of this awful legislation is prompted by the fact that the most populous nation on earth doesn’t give a fuck about our IP laws. If you go there you can buy a copy of Windows 10 or whatever Hollywood’s latest thrill is for about the cost of the media.

So far, nobody has found a good solution to this. Many have tried, because there are godzillions of dollars at stake.


Sooner or later something will pass.

By then we should have infrastructure in place that’d allow just ignoring the bans and rolling freely on a parallel Tor-like infrastructure. For most such purposes, low bandwidth is sufficient, which simplifies the problem. The big problem here is how to get and maintain reputation in necessarily strong anonymous/pseudonymous system, if possible reputation that is transferrable to real world (or at least possible to be monetized) without inviting repercussions…


It’s like being legally prohibited from examining our food before eating it.


An optimist!

But yes - I don’t believe that impossible. After all, those who write the software and those who make the laws are - by and large - mutually exclusive groups.

EDIT - And, of course, since it’ll be illegal to audit code …


And one of the groups holds the real-world power. The other one just commands people around with words on paper.

The code is the true law.

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petard mumble hoist?

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EFF, TOR and allies could work to align more publicly with affirmative community based social justice projects that accent EFF’s excellent rapid response and litigation work.

For example, Freegeek educates kids and adults to code with FOSS and to recycle hardware for computing and networking projects.

Freegeek succeeds partly because parents with moderate income still want their kids to receive excellent STEM education (and recycle).

Freegeek participants are also more likely to understand why banning source code disclosure requirements is objectionable. And that sort of engagement increases potential for mobilization.

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Any company with a potential deal in China (or anywhere else in the world) big enough to jeopardize x% of revenue will find a way to willingly disclose their source to get the deal done. The value of x is company dependant. That’s how deals happen in the tech world, regardless of trade pacts.

Even though the TPP has been getting some coverage, and there’s some anti-TPP sentiment out there, I’d guess there’s still a good chance it will pass. I’d make a guess that our Congresscritters are not hearing a lot directly from their constituents about it, which means they assume it will be a safe, non-career threatening vote. So you have to call or write to your rep. You can apathetically assume it doesn’t matter, but then you are part of the problem.


What makes you think the Congresscritters or Senators even care what we think?

How do they know what you think unless you tell them? Think of them as pigeons in a Skinner box. If the only stimulus they get is from lobbyists, what do you think the response is going to be?

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True. But if I write and say “I have a concern about this bill” and a scum of the earth lobbyist shows up with a bag full of cash and says ‘Here’s a contribution to your reelection campaign! BTW, we love this new bill and you should pass it!’, which one do you think the politician will listen to? not me for sure.


The rep will listen if you’re lobbying on behalf of a group that consistently demonstrates numbers of registered voters equaling or exceeding the percentage of swing vote in the rep’s last election.

In fact, in that case, the representative of the corporation may also be fiduciarily obligated to listen in order to reduce risk of a boycott, strike, lawsuit or other costly event.

It’s just math to the professionals who advise them.

Fine. Give in and do nothing if that’s what you feel is best. It’s your choice. It makes you ‘free’, I guess.

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