The Verge assails unethical tech-industry PR

I think what’s pretty telling about why, and a fair bit of what The Verge does. Is the product angle.

This is our official product announcement. Do not mention that it is a product announcement or that you learned about this from a press release.

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Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a real person who bought the bullshit line that Gamergate was about “ethics in game journalism” and not the misogynist campaign of harassment (and breeding ground for the alt-right) that it really was.


Uh, you still haven’t?

It’s the Verge, not Vox.

On the subject of retyping press releases, they’re saying that tech company PR staff now expect them to paraphrase press releases and present them as off the record tips from anonymous insiders, because the companies refuse to take responsibility for anything they say.

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I dunno. It’s not like it was ever about misogyny for the hell of it when it comes to the actual industry. Like usual, it’s about locking new growth sectors and employment opportunities down to white men only.

Same old same old. And, frankly, denial is in most men’s best interests so… people tend to sincerely believe whatever is in their own best interests to believe IMO. I’m sure there’s a pithy quote about that somewhere.

I think it’s just “safe” now for some people to kind of play lip-service and pretend they weren’t a part of that because most of them have already benefitted from it.

“Yay! We’ve ensured that for the next two generations, half the population at
minimum is largely barred through rampant harassment or outright discrimination from success in the newest and highest growth areas of employment and creativity! Wheeeeeeeeeee! Job done. Now we can all pretend we didn’t do that and gaslight everyone.”


A difference being that the video game industry wasn’t founded by a shitty dude trying to rally the internet to abuse his ex-girlfriend. GamerGate was. Misogyny may be incidental to (and, to be clear, endemic in) the games industry, but misogynist harassment is literally the originating and animating motivation for the GamerGate ‘movement.’

The ‘ethics in journalism’ stuff was a post-hoc rationale, itself rooted in misogynistic lies stating that the original woman targeted by the mob had exchanged sexual favors in return for favorable reviews of a game she worked on.

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Yeah? And people jumped on that opportunity en-masse when it was convenient and now want to distance themselves from it after it benefitted them.

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“A knowledgeable source has told me …”


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