Ethics? That’s just ahtside Lahndin, innit?
The good news is that the demand for ethics is exceeding supply at a historic rate, so savvy merchants that stocked up when the price was low are in a good position to make a pile of money.
What is the original source of “Actually, it’s about ethics in game journalism?”
I understand the ripple/memeification but what’s the source?
Nah, 'at’s Effics, mate.
Just what we need, ethics speculation.
Also, this thread needs a warning about triggering semantic satiation.
the original source is when everyone collectively realized that it was not. ever.
Yo Dawg, I herd you like ethics in games journalism, so I put an ethics in games journalism in your ethics in games journalism so you can ethics in games journalism while you ethics in games journalism.
Not sure, but this might be close to the start of the current meme
i always thought ethics were a lead by example sort of thing…you can’t really complain about other people’s ethics unless you can pretend to have the moral highground, right? i really don’t get anything about this movement…