Just gotta take issue with this one:
How the fuck is that a nail-clipper?
Anything’s a nail clipper if you’re brave enough?
When was the last time someone used a personal blender to hijack an airplane?
Depends who’s holding it?
ETA: Though buying it here is definitely a way to get stuck with a cursed magical item.
Hoof knife?
Technically for toes?
Hey, those are actually pretty good prices for Leathermans and Nerf guns
Canes are definitely permitted. They just have to be the collapsible or the ones that screw apart to be able to fit under the seat in front of you or the overhead luggage bin. They’re considered a tripping hazard otherwise.
Also no problem in your luggage.
Knives can also go in checked bags.
Almost every bit of furniture I have in my home came from here. Bring a truck.
We used to have an airport thrift store, but sadly it closed after the lease expired or rent went up or everyone retired. I bought handfuls of Swiss Army knives, handed them out to friends, felt better about the time we once lost one. Only recently one was stolen from my car, oh well, it was the cost of spare change which was also stolen. A lot of stuff is just left behind at airports, or forgotten in the panic of travel. They REALLY wanted to sell the strollers, as they take up so much room, I can’t remember how cheap it was, but the value we got out of the store probably gave us enough money to go on vacation! Time to find a new airport thrift store I think!
and they make a great Christmas present
Whatever it is, it costs 10 cents.
Nail clippers cost 10 cents.
Therefore, it is a nail clipper. QED
It’s cool that it’s a physical location – I’m struggling for the original source but in Pittsburgh they used to just E-Bay things in the 2000s… it’s not the same to look at things on a screen.
I found an NPR story with no transcript and an article from a North Carolina CBS affiliate but I guess I can’t post links? I could have sworn I saw it on BB ages ago but can’t find where I first saw it.
Would NOT have happened if you were in charge.
Just sayin’
Honestly, organizing is not my strong suit! Being loud and bombastic on the internet about history and such like is, though!
I watched an old guy in Morocco file his toenails with a rock a few years ago. Anything is possible.
I used to love visiting my local city’s police auction. Never bought anything, mainly because I was broke as heck at the time, but I loved to browse. Such a weird and varied assortment of stuff. My favorite was a giant growing terrarium, confiscated from a weed grower of course, with a large sign on it that said “for legal plants only”. I’m guessing the police showed up a few weeks after whoever bought that, just to check on it.
Sadly they disappeared with the growth of the internet and they are shipped off to some central clearinghouse downstate now.
It’s not just a Texas thing. I’m in Southern California and back in my scouting leader days when we would have weekend Jamborees, that sort of thing, sometimes the local council would hand out big ziplock bags of knives at the end of the weekend as gimme prizes of sorts; I still have dozens of extra Swiss Army knives laying about. They all came from one of these TSA disposal places.